Module A: Natural Gas
Producers and Measurement Worldwide and by Region, is a component of a broader study,
The World
Market for Natural Gas and Gas Flow Measurement, 3rd Edition.
The unit of
measurement for natural gas is not as intuitive as that for oil.
Natural gas is measured by volume and is stated in cubic feet.
A cubic foot is a cube with equal sides of one foot each.
A cubic foot of natural gas is the amount of gas it takes to fill a
volume of one cubic foot under set conditions of pressure and temperature.
There are
several reasons why the units for measuring natural gas are less intuitive than
those for oil. One is that most people are familiar with the volume of a gallon,
at least on non-metric countries, and the amount of oil in a barrel is stated in
terms of the number of gallons. Secondly,
the concept of a cubic foot itself is less intuitive than that of a gallon, and
since gas expands as it is heated, the volume of gas in a cubic foot has to be
stated relative to temperature and pressure conditions.
The biggest
problem with understanding how natural gas is measured is that the amounts of
natural gas in terms of production and reserves are very large, and the unit of
measurement is quite small. The
effect would be similar for oil if oil were measured in pints instead of
barrels, or even in square inches.
Regardless of
how it is measured, the proved reserves of natural gas worldwide are far greater
than those of oil, and the supplies of natural gas will outlast oil supplies by
decades, or potentially for more than a hundred years.
This is why there is such a push to move towards natural gas as a source
of fuel, including the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) as a source of fuel
for automobiles and trucks. Natural
gas is cleaner and more abundant than oil, and it can do the same job as oil in
terms of providing energy in many situations.
While renewable
fuels still remain a long-term solution to the world’s energy demands, natural
gas is a reliable and relatively inexpensive alternative to oil, and it can be a
bridge to renewable fuels. Even
though its quantities may be hard to grasp, that is partly because they are so
large, and that is good for the world, and especially good for the world of
A: Natural Gas Producers and Measurement Worldwide and by
Module A is mainly oriented towards companies that want to enhance their
instrumentation sales worldwide to the larger producers of natural gas.
It will include company profiles of the large producers,
relationships among them, strategies for marketing to them, and a
discussion of trends in flow measurement relative to these large
A will include detailed data on major producers and distributors, as well
as consumption patterns, in Australia, China, Europe, Southeast Asia,
India, North America and Latin America.
A contains four books:
One: Natural
Gas Producers and Measurement Worldwide
Two: Natural Gas Producers and Measurement in the
Three: Natural Gas Producers and Measurement in Europe
Four: Natural Gas Producers and Measurement in Asia
For further information on
Module A, visit the study page.
Previous Study - The
World Market for Gas Flow Measurement, 2nd Edition
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